played by Lola Powell 
All three of these people have a different issue with the next, but at the end of the day they are a group because of shared life experience. They're not friends because they get along well, they are friends because they said they were five years ago, and now they are holding onto what's left of the group. The chair that's left empty symbolizes Four and how his presence, or lack thereof, is always a topic of conversation. He moved away to pursue a career that he's truly passionate about, something that the other three wish they were capable of. Four's success has created an imbalance in the group. After his move it became very apparent that his presence was what kept them all together. “Take a Plate Home” is a slice of this groups dynamic. They are a representation of groups that stick together for “old times sake”. They end up arguing and getting hurt in the end, and yet there is no resolution. The three of them will continue to hold onto this group no matter what because they have become so dependent upon it. This film was meant to question the definition of lifelong friendship.

Kyli working on "Dinner Party Dreams"

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